Ole Richter (0000-0002-5857-8361)

Geography, Planning, and Spatial Sciences

ice shelf basal melting

Data underlying the figures in "Antarctic Ice Shelves Lose Most of Their Mass From Shallow Depths" published in Geophysical Research Letters. Richter_depth.csv Rignot_depth.csv - Data underlying Fig. 2 - zice_bins is ice draft depth in m - Data underlying Fig. 1 - temp is potential temperature in degC of the uppermost sigma layer - m is ice shelf melt rate in m/s (negative denotes refreezing) - both are maps of 2007 mean ts_vals2_sec_cavity.npy salt_centres.csv temp_centres.csv - Data underlying Fig. 3 - the numpy file contains an archive of numpy arrays - each array represents the cavity conditions of one sector - these arrays are 2d with salt in x and temp in y direction - the values represent the mean depth of each T/S combination in m - the csv files are 1D arrays containing the axis values; potential temperature in degC; practical salinity depth_melt_evo.npy shallow_temp_evo.npy - Data underlying Fig. 4 - the numpy files contain archives of xarray arrays - each array representing a certain depth range in m - the ocean_time attribute is faulty, stating year 2014 - all values are for 2007 and the arrays start with May - ice shelf melt rate in m/yr; potential temperature in degC

370803 Physical oceanography
190501 Climate change models

Data Access

  1. ({{267125184 | bytes}})
  2. ({{120599736 | bytes}})
  3. ts_vals2_sec_cavity.npy ({{82113429 | bytes}})
  4. salt_centres.csv ({{24975 | bytes}})
  5. temp_centres.csv ({{25441 | bytes}})
  6. melt_sector_depth.csv ({{2297 | bytes}})
  7. Richter_depth.csv ({{1773 | bytes}})
  8. Rignot_depth.csv ({{1748 | bytes}})
  9. depth_melt_evo.npy ({{80710 | bytes}})
  10. shallow_temp_evo.npy ({{42239 | bytes}})
  11. README ({{854 | bytes}})

Richter, O (2020) Data from: GRL_shallow_melting.
10.25959/5ee36afdded63 (DataCite reference)